The field practice in Geological mapping aims to introduce the students in the mapping techniques of different terrains – sedimentary, magmatic, metamorphic and documentation of various geological structures. During the practice students learn how to use topographic base map, geological compass, GPS and how to document outcrops and describe sedimentary successions, volcanic, intrusive and metamorphic rocks, their boundaries, alteration, overprinting deformations, etc. Students learn different types of sampling, prepare a geological map in various scales, stratigraphic columns, sections and a final report.
The practice is carried out in the region of the village of Petrich (Zlatitsa district). The students work in groups of 4, in scale 1:10 000 and they have to map between 8 and 10 square km depending on the complexity of the terrain. In the beginning of the practice general research field trips are carried out, whereupon the groups work independently, but in 2–3 days they are accompanied by a lecturer who observes the correct application of the geological field techniques and help the students to solve problems. The groups give the lecturers a report every evening and discuss their plans for the next day.
The practice finishes with preparation of a geological map and a report that have to be defended by the whole group.